Snakemake for Neuroimaging

Snakemake Intro Slides

Typical workflow for neuroimaging researcher

  1. Start with some data
  2. Perform some processing on it using tool you downloaded, or built with a python/matlab script
  3. This generates some new processed data
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until satisfied

Common challenges with this kind of workflow?

  • What if you want to change something done early on?
  • What if you want to run it on a different dataset?
  • What if you want to run it on 1000 subjects (instead of 20)?
  • What if you want someone else to run or modify your workflow?

Snakemake FTW

  • Text-based workflow, extends Python
  • Uses rules to define how output files are created, and to automatically determine dependencies
  • Easy-to-read workflows that can combine Python, shell, R, ...
  • Contains rules using conda environments and/or Singularity containers
  • Easily scales to any compute resource

Outline for this introduction

  • Describe the basic components of a Snakefile
  • Highlight some cool features you can add to your workflow
  • Take a peek at a more complex workflow
  • Describe cluster execution on graham


  • A Pythonic text file that defines rules for generating files
  • Dependencies are automatically determined by starting with the final output file (target), and working backwards
  • This will be a bit counter-intuitive at first..


Each rule should be a step in your workflow that generates some file(s)

Can be some inline shell or python code (shell: or run: directives), or external Python (or R) scripts


  • Provides a way to generalize a rule
  • Wildcards are automatically resolved by (regular expression) patterns in the output filenames
rule complex_conversion:
        "somecommand --group {} < {input} > {output}"

Aggregation with expand()

  • Input/output files can also be lists
  • e.g. in Python, we can create a list as:
rule aggregate:
        expand("{dataset}/a.txt", dataset=DATASETS)

Functions as input files

  • For more flexibility, you can also have your input files defined by a function
  • This function must take a wildcards argument, which contains the wildcards resolved by the output files
def myfunc(wildcards):
    return [... a list of input files depending on given wildcards ...]

    input: myfunc
    output: "someoutput.{somewildcard}.txt"
    shell: "..."

Log files

  • Log files can be defined with log: but you have to make sure your code actually writes to them!
rule abc:
    input: "input.txt"
    output: "output.txt"
    log: "logs/abc.log"
    shell: "somecommand --log {log} {input} {output}"

Configuration files

  • Written in YAML/JSON
  • Defines a dictionary of config parameters
bids_dir: /path/to/bids_dir
 - ZI
 - STN
  • Variables can also be overriden at command-line
$ snakemake --config yourparam=1.5

Cool features in Snakemake

Easily combine shell and python

Can use the shell() command inside any Python run: blocks, even inside Python loops

for line in shell("somecommand {output.somename}", iterable=True):
    ... # do something in python

Runs rules only as needed

  • Snakemake checks file existence and modication times to determine if a rule should be run (*)
  • Automatically creates needed sub-folders
  • If a job fails (e.g. exit non-zero), any output files are removed

  • (*) Note: If a file exists, but it corrupted, snakemake will not know the difference. Would need to force re-run, or delete the file first..

Visualization of the workflow is simple (similar to nipype)

  • The graph can be output in a programmatic format amenable to visualization
  • The graphviz package has a tool, dot, to render these graphs
$ snakemake --rulegraph | dot -Tpng > rulegraph.png
  • There are --dag and --filegraph options, but can be huge if many files

Generated Rule graph


Automated generation of interactive HTML reports

  • You can easily create a report showing the workflow you ran:
$ snakemake --report

Best practices for reproducibility

  • Keep your workflow in a git repository
  • Built-in --lint can let you know if you are following current best practices
  • Can use cookiecutter to generate a skeleton repo from a template:
cookiecutter gh:snakemake-workflows/cookiecutter-snakemake-workflow

Archive a workflow

  • Stores everything you need to produce the outputs (including input files, code, config files etc) in a single tar.gz
$ snakemake --archive my-workflow.tar.gz
  • Then, someone can easily reproduce same analysis on the same data by running:
tar -xf my-workflow.tar.gz
snakemake -n

Running workflows on graham

  • Some recommendations on how to easily get started on graham

Getting started on graham:

  • Pick your favorite text editor (vi/emacs/nano etc)
  • Microsoft VSCode with: Python, Remote, Snakemake extensions
  • PyCharm with Snakecharm extension

Installing Snakemake

  • Snakemake documentation recommends conda
  • Compute Canada advises against conda (especially anaconda)
    • But you can still install miniconda in your home directory
  • Can alternatively install snakemake in a virtualenv, but would not be able to use conda feature in snakemake

Installing Snakemake: Option 1

  • Install miniconda in home directory:
    conda init
    conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake
    • this is the most flexible, but can use up a big chunk of your #Files quota in home directory

Installing Snakemake: Option 2

  • Install snakemake in your own virtualenv
    module load python/3
    virtualenv venv_smk
    source venv_smk/bin/activate
    pip install snakemake ...
  • this is fine, but won't allow you to use the conda directive

Installing Snakemake: Option 3

  • Use provided wrapper in neuroglia-helpers that uses my pre-built virtualenv with snakemake and other common packages installed
git clone
~/neuroglia-helpers/ khanlab
  • Quick way to get started
    • But: if you need additional python packages installed, can't do it yourself..

Different options to run snakemake:

  1. Use an interactive job to run snakemake (e.g. regularInteractive)
  2. Submit a job that runs snakemake (e.g. regularSubmit)
  3. Use the cc-slurm profile
    • submits a job for each rule instance
    • for workflows with many small jobs, should use group: directive to group rules in the same job
  4. (experimental): Use the snakemake_remotebatch wrapper to split the DAG into batches and submit each as a separate job

Installing cc-slurm profile:

Setting resources for jobs

  • By default, rules have resources of 1core, 1000 mb memory, and 1 hr walltime
  • If a rule requires more resources, you should specify that with directives so snakemake knows how much it can parallelize
  • Note: resources always have to be type int

E.g.: this rule is expected to use 4 cores, 4gb memory, and takes 6 hours

rule myjob:
    threads: 4
        mem = 4000,
        time = 360
    shell: ...

Interactive jobs:

  • Interactive jobs are typically 8-core, 32gb memory, for 3 hours
  • You should make sure you set the resources available to snakemake when you run it:
snakemake -j 8 --resources mem=4000 

Interactive Jupyter notebook:

  • Neuroglia-helpers also has a shortcut to start a jupyter notebook session on graham that you can connect to from your own

From your working folder on graham, run:


Then on your local computer use sshuttle so you can connect to the remote host via your browser.


  • Stuck when Building DAG
    • Many files and inputs can make building the DAG take a looong time..
    • Intrinsic weakness of Snakemake
    • You can help alleviate this somewhat by using the batch option
  • Input functions can be tricky

Start snakemaking!

  • Your future self will thank you!
  • Join #snakemake on slack!
  • Post your questions/issues there, along with any Python questions!
  • Happy to help walk through creating your first snakefile

Appendix A - Resources

Snakemake Documentation:

Neuroglia-helpers for Khanlab Snakemake environment:

Appendix B - Snakemake vs Nipype

  • Both are workflow management environments, built with Python

Nipype pros:

  • Was developed for neuroimaging, so many wrappers and helper scripts specifically for tools like FSL, SPM, etc..
  • Workflows can understand files such as Nifti
  • Pipeline is explicitly described, rather than inferred through rules

Nipype cons:

  • To use a tool, you must wrap it
    • i.e. write some code to indicate what the input/output parameters, files are
  • Complicated means for parallel execution & file i/o
    • MapNodes, Identity iterables, DataSinks
  • Does not support workflows with heterogeneous dependencies
  • Code/workflow is not very readable
    • Many layers of abstraction to get to the actual code of interest